Til allra sem þjást af fordómum gagnvart samkynhneigð

Endilega horfið og hlustið á þetta ágæta lag áður en þið farið að opinbera fordóma ykkar um og í kringum næstu helgi.

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1 Smámynd: Arnar

Look inside, look inside your tiny mind
and look a bit harder
cause we’re so uninspired
so sick and tired
of all the hatred you harbor

so you say it’s not okay to be gay
well I think you’re just evil
you’re just some racist who can’t tie my laces
you’re point of view is medieval

Fuck you, fuck you very very much
cause we hate what you do
and we hate your whole crew
so please don’t stay in touch

fuck you, fuck you very very much
cause your words don’t translate
and it’s getting quite late
so please don’t stay in touch

do you get, do you get a little kick out of being small-minded?
you want to be like your father
it’s approval you’re after
well that’s not how you’ll find it

do you, do you really enjoy living a life that’s so hateful
cause there’s a hole where your soul should be
you’re losing control of it
and it’s really distasteful

Fuck you, fuck you very very much
cause we hate what you do
and we hate your whole crew
so please don’t stay in touch

Fuck you, fuck you very very much
cause your words don’t translate
and it’s getting quite late
so please don’t stay in touch

Look inside, look inside your tiny mind
and look a bit harder
cause we’re so uninspired
so sick and tired
of all the hatred you harbor

Fuck you, fuck you very very much
cause we hate what you do
and we hate your whole crew
so please don’t stay in touch

Fuck you, fuck you very very much
cause your words don’t translate
and it’s getting quite late
so please don’t stay in touch

Arnar, 5.8.2009 kl. 11:09

2 identicon

Ætli ég megi segja að aðeins gráðurgir aular á höttunum eftir extra lífi í lúxus eru að amast í samkynhneigðum... ef þið sjáið einhvern slíkan amast í gay pride... þá vitið þið hvers vegna.. þeir óttast um upplogna extra lífið sitt... GRÆÐGI

DoctorE (IP-tala skráð) 5.8.2009 kl. 11:21

3 Smámynd: Arnar

Sssh.. þú seldir sál þína og mátt framvegis ekki segja neitt ljótt um neinn.  Jafnvel þótt það sé sannleikurinn

Arnar, 5.8.2009 kl. 11:57

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